sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011
Sandra Bullock & Heidi Klum Have a Dance Party in Hollywood
Sandra Bullock and Heidi Klum had a girls' night out, partying with a group of friends at Beacher's Madhouse inside the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel until nearly 2 a.m. The gal pals sat in a back booth and sipped champagne, according to one onlooker. Bullock, in particular, "had a smile on her face the whole night" and danced to songs including The Clash's "Rock the Casbah" and AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long," the eyewitness said

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011
Warner divulgou o Trailer de Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, novo filme de Bullock e Tom Hanks!
Não to nem acreditandoo...
É isso mesmo Bullockeiros de plantão..chegou o trailer do novo filme da Sandy que tem estréia prevista para dezembro ou janeiro!
Vejam nesse link, que linda e que talentosa nossa musa está..aliás, como sempre né!
É isso mesmo Bullockeiros de plantão..chegou o trailer do novo filme da Sandy que tem estréia prevista para dezembro ou janeiro!
Vejam nesse link, que linda e que talentosa nossa musa está..aliás, como sempre né!
sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011
Sandy Smiles As She Squeezes In A Workout
A makeup-free and spandex clad Sandra Bullock was spotted arriving at the gym in Beverly Hills for a late afternoon workout, and she was super sweet with our photographers before heading inside to pump up her heart rate. How many other Oscar winners can you say that about!?
Sandra's latest movie Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close hits theaters in January, and with awards season right around the corner, we're guessing she wants to be at the top of her game when it comes to hitting the red carpet in fancy couture. But hey, isn't she always one of the best looking and best dressed starlets out there?

Sandra's latest movie Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close hits theaters in January, and with awards season right around the corner, we're guessing she wants to be at the top of her game when it comes to hitting the red carpet in fancy couture. But hey, isn't she always one of the best looking and best dressed starlets out there?

Sandra Bullock chama atenção pela sua magreza ao sair de academia
quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011
Sandra Bullock: em dia com a beleza
Sandra Bullock foi flagrada sorridente saindo de uma clínica de estética na tarde desta quarta-feira, 21, em Santa Mônica, na Califórnia. Recentemente surgiram rumores de que a atriz vive um romance secreto com Ryan Reynolds seu parceiro de elenco em ‘A Proposta’. Os dois estariam planejando se casar em segredo..Mas na minha opinião isso não passa de uma tremenda invenção da mídia que adora uma fofoquinha!

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011
Sandra Bullock passeia sorridente com o filho, Louis
segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011
Sandra Bullock arrives at LAX with baby Louis
Deciding to fly back to the bright lights of Hollywood after spending some time at home in Austin, Texas, the actress was seen carrying her adorable son Louis Bardo as they made their way through check-in. Decidir voar de volta para as luzes brilhantes de Hollywood, depois de passar algum tempo em casa, em Austin, Texas, a atriz foi vista carregando o seu adorável filho Louis Bardo como eles fizeram o seu caminho através de check-in.
Dressed for comfort rather than glamour, Sandy opted for a plain black maxi-dress, plain black ballerina pumps and a pair of sunglasses and dressed Louis in a cute combo of jeans and a green tee. Vestida para o conforto, em vez de glamour, Sandy optou por um vestido preto liso maxi-planície, bombas preto bailarina e um par de óculos escuros e vestido Louis em um combo bonito de calça jeans e uma camiseta verde.
Along with Sandy's luggage, the star was also seen sporting a monkey shaped bag on the shoulder...no doubt stuffed full of toys to keep Louis entertained for the duration of the flight. Junto com a bagagem de Sandy, a estrela também foi visto ostentar um saco em forma de macaco no ombro ... sem dúvida, recheada de brinquedos para manter entretido por Louis a duração do voo.
Ever the protective mum, Sandy covered Louis's face with her hand when she touched down at LAX and made her way through the hoards of paparazzi that were waiting for her arrival. Já a mãe protetora, Sandy cobriram o rosto de Luís com a mão quando ela aterrissou em Los Angeles e fez seu caminho através de hordas de paparazzi que estavam esperando por sua chegada.
Take a look at Sandy and Louis! Dê uma olhada em Sandy e Louis!

Dressed for comfort rather than glamour, Sandy opted for a plain black maxi-dress, plain black ballerina pumps and a pair of sunglasses and dressed Louis in a cute combo of jeans and a green tee. Vestida para o conforto, em vez de glamour, Sandy optou por um vestido preto liso maxi-planície, bombas preto bailarina e um par de óculos escuros e vestido Louis em um combo bonito de calça jeans e uma camiseta verde.
Along with Sandy's luggage, the star was also seen sporting a monkey shaped bag on the shoulder...no doubt stuffed full of toys to keep Louis entertained for the duration of the flight. Junto com a bagagem de Sandy, a estrela também foi visto ostentar um saco em forma de macaco no ombro ... sem dúvida, recheada de brinquedos para manter entretido por Louis a duração do voo.
Ever the protective mum, Sandy covered Louis's face with her hand when she touched down at LAX and made her way through the hoards of paparazzi that were waiting for her arrival. Já a mãe protetora, Sandy cobriram o rosto de Luís com a mão quando ela aterrissou em Los Angeles e fez seu caminho através de hordas de paparazzi que estavam esperando por sua chegada.
Take a look at Sandy and Louis! Dê uma olhada em Sandy e Louis!

sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011
Johnny Depp gave Sandra Bullock's son his hats

Johnny Depp has been around for a few years. Not that we’re saying he’s old, or anything. Nah, of course not. We’re just saying that he has had the opportunity to collect a lot in his time, should he have ever wished too. So what do you reckon Mr Depp would’ve collected? Wigs? Goth leather jackets? Funny set-props? Nope. HATS.
Yep, hats. That’s what floats our Johnny’s boat, hats. It seems Johnny has gathered such a collection of head coverings that his long term love, Vanessa, issued him with an ultimatum – get rid!
Rather than chuck his vast collection in the bin, Johnny decided to gift Sandra Bullock’s young son with a few bonce-covers. Sandra was reportedly touched by the gesture. Her little boy Louis often cries if he hasn’t got a hat on so Johnny’s gift was super sweet.
According to sources, earlier this year Vanessa Paradis ordered Johnny to get rid of some of his giant hat collection because it was threatening to take over their Paris flat.
A source said, “He has hundreds of hats – two rooms in their Paris apartment is packed with them. Vanessa wants some closet room but Johnny’s hats are taking up too much space. She told him point-blank, ‘Johnny, you get those hats out of here or when you’re gone I’m going to thrown them all in the trash.’”!
Vanessa’s final ultimatum came after Johnny reportedly came home with a hat he bought from a homeless man.
sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011
Sandy leaves L.A with Baby Louis
He is her most precious carry on, so who can blame Sandra Bullock for keeping a tight hold of her little man Louis.
The actress was seen tightly hugging her son, who is 20-months old, as she made her way through the L.A.X airport.
Sandra tenderly stroked her head and carried him close to her chest as she made her way for the flight.
And with little Louis fast becoming one of Hollywood’s most stylish little tots his outfit didn’t disappoint as he was dressed in a pair of light coloured jeans a T-shirt and a chute diamond print cardigan.
As well as her little man Sandra was also seen carrying a monkey backpack which was filled with toys for the Louis.
Sandra made quite the stylish traveller in a pair of jeans a striped top and a smart black jacket.
Last week the actress slammed reports that her long-time friend Ryan Reynolds, who she spends a lot of time with.
According to ET online Sandra also denied the rumours that she is pregnant or that she is planning to adopt another baby.
Sandra and Ryan are rumoured to be joining forces to produce a new animated television show, And Then There Was Gordon.

The actress was seen tightly hugging her son, who is 20-months old, as she made her way through the L.A.X airport.
Sandra tenderly stroked her head and carried him close to her chest as she made her way for the flight.
And with little Louis fast becoming one of Hollywood’s most stylish little tots his outfit didn’t disappoint as he was dressed in a pair of light coloured jeans a T-shirt and a chute diamond print cardigan.
As well as her little man Sandra was also seen carrying a monkey backpack which was filled with toys for the Louis.
Sandra made quite the stylish traveller in a pair of jeans a striped top and a smart black jacket.
Last week the actress slammed reports that her long-time friend Ryan Reynolds, who she spends a lot of time with.
According to ET online Sandra also denied the rumours that she is pregnant or that she is planning to adopt another baby.
Sandra and Ryan are rumoured to be joining forces to produce a new animated television show, And Then There Was Gordon.

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011
Sandra trabalha cedo em L.A, foi vista em um prédio de negócios
Sandra Bullock Logs a Long Day at Work Without Little Louis / Sandy tem um longo dia de trabalho em L.A sem Louis
Sandra Bullock stepped out of her LA office and into her car yesterday afternoon. She logged a day at work following a fun holiday weekend with her son, Louis. The pair were seen having fun at a young friend's birthday party, which was equipped with balloons, games, and more. Sandra and Louis have been taking advantage of their West Coast location to catch up with pals, including Ryan Reynolds. Ryan even accompanied them on a jaunt to Wyoming, where the trio were seen on a hike in the Grand Teton Mountains.
Sandra Bullock saiu de seu escritório de Los Angeles e em seu carro na tarde de ontem. Ela registrou um dia de trabalho após um fim de semana do feriado do divertimento com seu filho, Louis. Os dois foram vistos se divertindo na festa de uma jovem amiga de aniversário, que foi equipado com balões, jogos e muito mais. Sandra e Louis foram aproveitando a sua localização Costa Oeste para recuperar o atraso com os amigos, incluindo Ryan Reynolds . Ryan ainda os acompanhou em um passeio de Wyoming, onde o trio foi visto em uma caminhada nas montanhas Grand Teton.
Sandra Bullock saiu de seu escritório de Los Angeles e em seu carro na tarde de ontem. Ela registrou um dia de trabalho após um fim de semana do feriado do divertimento com seu filho, Louis. Os dois foram vistos se divertindo na festa de uma jovem amiga de aniversário, que foi equipado com balões, jogos e muito mais. Sandra e Louis foram aproveitando a sua localização Costa Oeste para recuperar o atraso com os amigos, incluindo Ryan Reynolds . Ryan ainda os acompanhou em um passeio de Wyoming, onde o trio foi visto em uma caminhada nas montanhas Grand Teton.
segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011
Sandra Bullock leva o filho em festa de aniversário
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