Sandra Bullock distribuiu sorrisos durante a inauguração de uma clínica médica no campus da Easton High School, em Nova Orleans, neste domingo (29). O evento coincidiu com o aniversário de cinco anos da passagem do furacão Katrina, que devastou a cidade em 2005. Sandra ajudou a cortar o laço que marcou a abertura do centro. De acordo com a agência "AP", as fundação "The Kellogg", "San Francisco 48ers" e a própria Sandra Bullock ajudaram na arrecadação dos cerca de 700 mil dólares usados para a construção da clínica.
A atriz, que está solteira desde o fim de seu casamento com o motociclista Jesse James, em março, adotou em segredo o pequeno Louis, nascido em Nova Orleans, no mês de janeiro. Em entrevista, ela contou que, mesmo morando no Texas, quer que Louis cresça sabendo de suas origens. "Nova Orleans é a cidade dele e ele saberá disso".
Sandra Bullock Praises New Orleans School for Hurricane Recovery
Despite the rain-soaked gray Sunday morning and the somber fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Sandra Bullock managed to get a laugh out of the crowd at Warren Easton Charter High School in New Orleans.
Flipping over an hourglass, the Oscar-winning actress joked, "THIS is all the time I have."
Bullock, a part-time New Orleans resident, donated money to help rebuild the school and to open a student health clinic. She appeared at weekend events to pay tribute to those behind the hurricane recovery effort.
"I have seen nothing but unimaginable kindness, perseverance and hope right in this room here," said Bullock. "It gives me great pleasure to be in the company of these people who have actually made the difference. They did the hard work, they are here sitting before you."
Joking that she was beginning to sound like a politician – "No offense," she laughed to U.S. Sens. Mary Landrieu and David Vitter – Bullock said that despite the devastation, the anniversary should be seen as day for celebration.
"These young adults have seen the very worst, and they are committed to the very best," said Bullock. " They are our future leaders. I would like to thank the students who step up to the plate and do the hardest work. I didn't do it in high school, and it makes me so incredibly proud."
Wearing a V-neck dark blue knee-length dress, black belt and heels, Bullock stood with school nurse Cassondra Ferrand and principal Alexina Medley and other officials to cut the gold ribbon on the new health facility behind the school.
"It was more than her money," says Easton Foundation board member Arthur Hardy. "She is like our spiritual leader. She is our angel."
"What do you say about a human being who just pours out their heart and soul, who puts their money where their mouth is, walks the walk, talks the talk," adds Landrieu. "And even if is was just in a movie, she married a New Orleans boy."

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