quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011

Inside Sandra Bullock's New Life / Por dentro da Nova vida de Sandra

How did Sandra Bullock bounce back from a hard year?

Credit her 19-month-old son Louis, her sense of humor and her decision to jump back into the acting world in a big way.

"She was very keen to get back to work," says Stephen Daldry, who directed her in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, one of two dramas the actress, 47, has filmed since last fall.

"She threw herself in with her usual enthusiasm and energy, and she was very relaxed," he added. "She had little Louis with her, and it was a very familial environment on-set."

Bullock, who also just wrapped the astronaut drama Gravity, has been keeping a low profile as she passes emotional milestones: the one-year mark of her divorce from Jesse James, and this month's anniversary of her official adoption of Louis.

As she steps back into the spotlight, her new life is a joyful one. "She's glowing," says her Extremely Loud costar Reagan Leonard


Diretor de 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' afirmou que a atriz estava muito feliz, entusiasmada e relaxada durante as filmagens.Praticamente um ano após a da conturbada separação de Jesse James, Sandra Bullock já deu a volta por cima e voltou a sorrir. Amigos da atriz contaram à revista "People" que Sandra encontra no trabalho e no filho, Louis, a força necessária para seguir com sua vida.

"Ela está muito comprometida com o trabalho", contou Stephen Daldry, que a dirigiu em "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close". "Ela continuou trabalhando com entusiasmo e energia e estava muito relaxada. O pequeno Louis a acompanhava no set e o clima era bem familiar", completou.

Reagan Leonard, que atuou com Sandra no filme, afirmou que ela está "radiante".

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